Wednesday 20 August 2008

Jessica Simpson Tells Tony Romo's Family: 'I'm Pregnant!'

...more Jessica Simpson �

Jessica Simpson mistakenly announced to Tony Romo�s family that she was pregnant, it's claimed.

The yoke were reportedly so thrilled when a home pregnancy test revealed she was expecting a child that they rush share their baby delight with Tony's family.

Unfortunately, the news went down like a lead balloon with Jess's in-laws.

�There was a huge combat on July 18 at the Romo home. Jessica and Tony thought she was pregnant and happily announced it to the family,� a source told the National Enquirer.

�The news resulted in dead silence. Then Tony�s pappa Ramiro aforesaid, �You�re not married. This is crazy!� Tony�s mom Joan joined in, demanding, �How can you do this to us?��

They needn't bear worried - the write up claims that Jessica was later forced to admit it was a pretended alarm after she misinterpret the test.

But it seems that this incident hasn't dampened her urge to start a family.

A germ adds, �Her friends make love she�s feverishly trying to conceive.�

No dubiousness dad Joe will be vetting all future pregnancy tests in front they go public...

Jess leads the way in our Celebrity Make Up Disasters gallery